If you want to make a friend be a friend. When you desire to find a friend if you want to have friends, you have to be friendly. That's great advice as far as it goes, but sometimes the process of finding friend could use a bit of a jump start. Follow this practial ideas for striking the friendship idea. Women have an easier time with friendship than men do. Women can hug, cry, hold hands and interlock their arms as they walk down the street, but men are not really that free to do these things. Men are activity-oriented and women are relationally-oriented, how can you vridge that gapto become friends with your partner. And to be friendly to others. After all you have to be a friend in order to have a friend. Best Ways To Make Friends Print a complimentary card: now you keep a small supply of the the compliment cards in you purse or briefcase. So that it will be wasy to say to anyone you see you wish to make friends, "call me" Drop a phone contact: You don't go about...