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The Only Thing That Can Dumbstruck Your Thought

People talk about you behind you because they want to be like you.

One evening I and Paradise were going to fetch water at Okpala Hospital. Paradise was an ex corps member who was staying in the family

house before she rented her own apartment. "I found how Mary was gossiping with everyone in the house and all she said to me about you," she said. She told Paradise that I was timid, I wouldn't come out to tangle with guys and other girls. I feel too big staying all the time on my own. Not interacting with them. 

But Paradise begged I shouldn't confront Mary about it to avoid more problems. The only thing she did was to stay on my side. Do you know why Mary stopped giving me food as an ex corps member? It was because they found that you and I are now in good rapport with each other. She wanted to make everyone your enemy in the house. That's why if mistakenly your menstrual blood spilled on the floor when bathing she would confess it to the whole house just to embarrass you and make the guys see you as a bad girl. Or you spray your pant inside the room she would get everyone involved in your matter," said Paradise.

Hunger can cause one to give out his precious just to satisfy his stomach.

She confirmed to me why Corper Chinonso was always in support of Mary and gossiping like a woman with Mary. "Because he wanted to get the buttom pot from Mary in the kitchen after dishing out food," we laughed about this observation. But looking at things it was true. He was always behaving like a dying stick with no strength always staying in the  kitchen with Mary as if he was a woman.

Same time we had been noticing something fishing between two corps members in the family house. Mary had always suspected something was going on between Gabriel and Gbemisola. She continued saying that Gabriel, the house papa was having affair with Gbemisola. I could sense jealousy in her voice according to Paradise she too did. She was against Gabriel giving his room's key to Gbemisola instead of giving it to her who was the house mama—Mary. And the ignorant Gbemisola would be teaming with same Mary who was talking ill behind her to trouble me. Gbemisola would foolishly join her to poke nose, sniffing around other's private lives and painting people black and blue and be the only good ones.

All the girls wanted to get attention of the guys, no doubt but should they use their quest to destroy another's image just to paint the person bad before all the guys. They wanted to be noticed. Desiring to be attracted to the guys. When telling us that she was engaged to a Yoruba man, Gbemisola she was still flocking herself around guys to notice her, hence frolicking around Gabriel, the house papa. This wasn't  only an intuition but it could be truth considering the pressure Gabriel gave me immediately I refused asses making passes and escapades. They actually have time to waste away, but I Hope never had time for any gossip I mind my business. 

When you don't do things to please someone, he will begin to hate your gut.

I was about taking my bath "You know it has been I and Gbemisola washing this bathroom. You have not washed it, you have not washed it since you came," she said "But where is water? There is no water I said. I had to wash it that morning and left for school.

I remembered one morning I quickly rushed into the bathroom to take my bath believing to be done by the time it was devotion I would had come out of the bathroom but unfortunately they blew the morning beagle and I was still in the bathroom. Guess what happened! Gabriel, the house papa came to the bathroom door, knocking insistently "Hope come to the open heaven" I was like are you serious? Can't you see I am still taking my bath," he went back and came again knocking. For me I was infuriated with angry and embarrassed. what was it all about? 

It was immediately they saw me entered the bathroom that they blew the beagle. What a hatred Gabriel!

A fresh start, a new goal! Keep dreaming, keep marching!

It wasn't surprising to me, what he anticipated from me was the complete reverse. He wasn't happy with me at all. Gabriel was using every opportunity to frustrate me. Read also effects of daring to live a perfect life. Gabriel began to take sides with those girls and I was all by myself. The least I thought was accepting his proposal. 

Gabriel used to be against them whenever they were against me but this time he hated me with passion. To the extent of coming to knock on the door of the bathroom when he knew I was taking my bath, who does that? just to embarrass and humiliate me because I refused to be his girlfriend in a family house? They had no fear of God, a place which was supposed to be sacred for respected corps members to stay together while the have their one year orientation course. Gbemisola now felt he was then over him because she threw herself at him and he was using her vulnerable as a advantage. Read also, Men's needs and women's needs

The day she wanted to buy phone, she took Gabriel along and the day that she talked about going to see her parents before then, Gabriel had already made us to understand that he was going for a friend's wedding. When Gabriel travelled, Gbemisola travelled the following day, telling us that she was going to stop at Delta State to see her friend. She never mentioned this until now. And we all knew Gabriel travelled to Delta State because he was from Delta State. The only thing I could remember was that romantic call she made that night Gabriel was away which I suspected was Gabriel because of the question she answered him about the house fellowship. Gabriel said he was going for a wedding but why Gbemisola suddenly said she was going to stop at Delta to see a friend got me confused.

I wouldn't know why most of our girls are just unbelievable. No wonder she had always wanted me out of the way. She really want Gabriel all to herself. Read also Her Fairy tale romance. Those girls where really a thorn on my flesh. As for Mary, she was also jealous of Gbemisola for being the one Gabriel would give the key to his room instead her who was the house mama. So, she concluded that Gabriel and Gbemisola was dating and having secret affair. Confessing bitterly to us that Gabriel had hated her already. From the first day she stepped her feet in the family house. 

Yes I really noticed, their unfriendliness in spite they were the house papa and house mama, who were supposed to be in unity to coordinate the house well. Though, I wouldn't blame her for thinking like that. I thought so too, considering how everything was going fast with them. Gabriel was really turning the family house into something else. Supporting immoral behaviours and allowing so many amorous adventures in the family house.

Do not allow what people do to push you to do what you will live to regret.

Those girls' unfriendly attitude made me to be close to Chris in such a way that it wasn't supposed to be. Just that I was in control of my emotions. Otherwise, I would have got myself in a deep mess and my family and those looking up to my moral life, would have felt disappointed. I was always visiting Chris in his one room apartment.

Most time he would try to force me to kiss him but i would resist him and he wouldn't be happy with me for the moment. Other days he would want to have me but I would push him away. I went through all of that because I was trykng so hard to avoid those girls. I only return in the evening just to sleep.

Always stand for the truth, people's bad influence can destroy you.

"Dont allow those girls' attitude land you into trouble and they will laugh at you," Mom said. Because I was telling her everything I was passing through in the house whenever we were having telephone conversation. When someone kept pushing you so hard that you have no option than to look for comfort arm—that was exactly what I did.

They despised Paradise because she was then on my side. And telling me all the ill things they said to her about me. How timid I was to stay all by myself in the family house and nobody knew anything about me. My feeling too big, special and pompous attitide and stuff like that. But in spite of them all I let them be and never asked them why they said what they said to Paradise. I was focused. To finish my one year national service and leave them in peace.

When people can't be you, they try ways possible to change you. The only thing you need to scale through is to stay focused and know what you want and make bold steps going for it. Always live a life that "when they can't beat you, they join you" be you.

Read related posts, 

Ways to find peace of mind and happiness 

The most sweetest words that make life feel better

The best ways to ask for help when you are in need

What sucks my trip to Umunya camp

The nastiest action of my life


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