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One Thing Every Man Want From A Woman

The only way to know you is to find yourself; you never can tell the face behind the mask.

It was the first Thursday marking the first CDS for the year 2020. This CDS started with the normal routine of the NYSC (National Youths
Service Corps) anthern, then the national pledge, second stanza—"Oh God of creation direct our noble cause...

The CLO (Corpers Liaison Officer) we call him biggie as a nickname because he was fat, he addressed us. He emphasized majorly on the new corps members. After that we went to our various CDS groups. When CLO went round the groups to take attendance. He took atendance and informed us that the LGI (Local Government Inspector) wanted to address us. That would be his first time to talk to us for the new year for the sake of the new corps members. He said many things concerning our behaviour and encouraged us to devote in our services to our nation and represent well in our various PPAs (Place of Primary Assignment) .

I left after he was done talking to us, walking straight to the to junction immediately to enter a bus that would convey me from the local government to Enugukwu to withdraw some from the ATM machine before going to Eze-Alias Junction were RCCF (Redeemed Christian Corpers fellowship) was situated, to go to the family house to carry my bag. Coming out I was hurrying after a certain mini bus before Chris drew my attention, "Hey, you are here? I thought you have gone home. I have been looking after you," I said to him in surprise. I was in a hurry because I had already prepared traveling. We finally entered a mini bus. 

Those who are true to themselves are those who stand to responsibility. 

A certain girl named Success, she was my colleague at my PPA asked me to lap her because the bus was filled with passengers; she was very fat I wasn't comfortable, I felt her weight was going to cause pains on my laps and kneels, so I decided she lap me. We stopped at Union Bank Enugwukwu, Chris and I jumped down. I had only N50 on me, so Chris completed the money and paid. If it were before Chris would step into the banking environment with me. I wanted to use my ATM card and I told him already I was traveling to Owerri. He said he wanted to pick up something before going to his apartment. You wouldn't have stopped here since your house is still ahead of us," I said. "Wait for me to withdraw I am coming. You know I still have to go and carry my bag," I said. He didn't want to wait for me, I noticed the strange looks and he seemed to be hiding something. I was surprised and still not convinced at his attitude. 

I withdrew some money fast and quickly moved forward to Eze Alias but stopped by Chris' house to see if he was back since he told me earlier he wanted to pick something on his way home. As shock as it was, I met a female corps member walking out of his apartment and Chris coming behind her. She was a corps member, fair in complexion, good average height of about 6 feet tall and a haircut. "Could this be the reason he couldn't wait for me?" I thought. I quickly asked the girl if Chris was back. The girl never wanted to answer my question, I turned my back instinctively to walk away before Chris came out after her. Everything was happening fast. I pretended nothing happened, "Oh, Chris, you are back. I have withdrawn. I just came to check on you before leaving Njikoka. Chris whose name is also Solid never knew what he wanted, really being the only son of his family should stand up to be better than this life he was trying to live.

He bade me goodbye. Had it been I gave in to his libidìnal advances and love proposal, he would have loved me more not to think of cheating on me or would I have entered one chance and be disappointed with a heartbreak such as what I had just seen in his apartment? Who knows. I never knew and wouldn't know his true feelings for me," I thought. 

If you want to know a man who is really disciplined, deny him access to your body.

Chris was the only son of his parents with three sisters, the eldest is married. I knew Chris was young if am not misquoting, I was older than him but I chose to make him my good friend and as companionship to my lonely nature. Although he wanted it to be an affair or love relationship but I couldn't have dared. Though I was the one who had advised him to get himself a female lover that there was nothing going to happen between us other than friendship. But seeing this now, I was jealous already. Now I realized the proverb that says a man cannot be just a friend to a woman.

Anyways like the proverb, a man who doesn't know where the rain started beating him won't know where the rain dries up. In this case I knew what brought about the recent happenings. So I wouldn't blame him or stop him from finding who was going to satisfy his eros.

Getting to the family house, I carried my bag. I left the house as most of them bade me goodbye. I forgot my slip on. I went back to pick it after I had gotten to Eze Alias junction. I picked my slip on stepping out of the family house compound was a flashy jeep I couldn't look at the car model but it was flashy. The young man in his early sixties beckoned on me to come but I was about hurriedly moving forward but later decided to know what he wanted to say, to give him a listening ear. 

I greeted him and he asked me many questions at one time. It was in a short pace and he had asked several questions. He was quick to give me his contact, which I dialled it hefore him. He offered me a ride. "No sir, I am fine," I don't want you to be hitting by the hot scourging sun. He persuasively asked me to enter and have a ride with him. 

Pride is the only disease known to all except the one who has it.

One thing I learnt about Anambra men within the interval of one year I served there is their egotistical attitude. They are too loud and arrogantly proud, braggarts, in such a way that I got irritated. He said, "If you get to know me you will thank your stars for having made acquaintance with me. Meaning if I knew who he was I would bow. He initially addressed himself as a Dr. At a point he offered me some mint money about five notes of  N200 notes of Nigeria currency. He asked me to use it as my transport fare to wherever it was I was going to but I rejected it. "No, thank you sir," I hurriedly left him. 
 On the bus to Onitsha I had a contact a certain young man I met and we exchanged pleasantries and at the end contacts. This man said he was working in the government house Anambra State. Who knows? I already know Anambra men.

But I never cared to know about him. Even when he called I didn't show interest. It was the man in flashy car that kept in contact with me. He was an average man in his early sixties, fair in complexion, average height, with big body. All I could reminisce was how we started and how Dr Ikedi approached me on that day. 

"Hello, baby girl, how are you doing? I am doing very well sir," I replied. He was showing his brown coloured teeth but I never mind if he becomes my friend or something. He met me coming out of the family house hurriedly and stopped me. He wouldn't have had the opportunity to speak to me if not that I forgot my slip on in the family house and quickly came back to pick it. Unknowingly he saw me at the junction and traced me down to the family house with his car. 

In one of our chats, according to his testimony, he asked me to be his bae. But "You are good to be gotten pregnant," I fell in love with your shape and it make my head go turning. I am attracted to you, such a tall, slim fair pretty girl, that is what I wanted in a girl. I had to follow you to the place we had our first acquaintance, I had seen you rushed to the junction with you backing your bag and walking smartly. Your 6/7—really looked good on you. Khaki trouser, jungle boot, NYSC crested vest and your beautiful shape complimenting with flat tummy. I love every feature I saw in you. It captivated me really," he narrated. 

"I want you to be my bae. I will make you my wife. My white woman and I broke up and my uncles are on my nerves to get a wife here. Of course, yes I have three children. Two boys and a girl. My 16 year old son is studying abroad while my other two children are here in Nigeria with my mother in Owerri," he said and continued.

Always learn to believe yourself other than doubt yourself. 

"I will marry you but you have to visit me and we start dating, get to know each other very well.  Like I told you, pregnancy will look good on you." He was very open but I never wanted it that way. "Many prefer experienced girls. Girls who are experienced in bed and not some amateur virgin that will lie stock in bed. Fairly used tokunbo is better than new engine because new engine you have to trade with caution," Those where his inappropriate and irresponsible words from his mouth," he said. I don't get it. After confessing this I was shocked.

When I returned after my acquaintance with him. Though I was a bit scared he might hurt me because I had already told him I wouldn't date him. "I am not in for courtship of any kind or erotic relationship," I told him already. Since he knew the family house where I was staying I feared he was going to hurt me one day because I rejected his proposal. I thought of leaving RCCF but later I went back there finally. I wouldn't be changing family house from NCCF to RCCF and now I thought of leaving the RCCF again? No, I have to manage.

Always make a total effort even when the odds are against you. 

When I went back to the family house those girls didn't change. Their attitude worsened. Read alsoEffects of daring to live a perfect life. They kept tormenting me read alsoThe only thing I could remember. After all their attitude and evil doing. At last when Gabriel left the family house that was after his POP (Passing Out Parade). He went back to his apartment.  Gabriel's life was a mess immediately he passed out of service, he ran to his apartment where he rented when he started service but because of the position of house papa he had to stay most times in the family house.

But when Samson was  made new house papa after him and Gbemisola the house mama after Mary, what she had always wanted. Gabriel went back to his apartment and one morning I saw him at Okpala hospital when he came to fetch water with a keg of water in his hand, he was looking tarted like a thwarted strayed and castrated he goat. My mind skipped, he must have begun to reap what he had sown. Because I believed he was having fun in full but the fun seemed to be destroying him badly.

Sincerity and faithfulness is the pillar of every relationship. Always learn how to control your urge and also mind the things you say with your mouth. Don't encourage evil just because you have once being there. Learn to allow people live their own life.

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